

The ultimate cross-platform standalone asset register.

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This is the Asiter news

Asiter 0.3-pre1 Released!

The Asiter Development Team are very excited to announce the first pre-release of Asiter 0.3!

Asiter 0.3 has tons of new features, including:

Asiter 0.2 Released!

Only about 3 days after Asiter 0.1 was released, the Asiter development team is proud to release Asiter 0.2!

This release of Asiter fixes numerous bugs that were found in Asiter 0.1, as well as introducing a few new features, such as 2 new fields, Manufactuer and Model, and more importantly, support for multiple images per asset!

As per usual this release has been tested, and confirmed working on both Windows and Linux, under both Mono and the Microsoft .NET framework, version 2.0. Also following in the wake of previous releases, this version is still 100% standalone.

This release also introduces a rudimentary logo for Asiter, which features a donkey. This logo is very much subject to change, suggestions are welcome.

Asiter 0.1 Released!

We are proud to release the very first version of Asiter, version 0.1!

This release has many features including being 100% standalone, being cross-platform and image support.

On a side note, the Asiter team is very excited to be featured on the home page of SourceForge.

Asiter is a GPL application hosted by SourceForge.